
Alternative Fuel Training Class Dates Announced

Alternative Fuel Training Class Dates Announced

Register Now For Transfer Flow's Alternative Fuel Training Program With an Emphasis on Propane Autogas Conversion Vehicles!

Next Class is Nov. 7 - 9 in Sacramento, California

Co-sponsored by the Sacramento Clean Cities Coalition and the East Bay Clean Cities Coalition

* This FREE 3-day class is designed to educate fleet managers, auto mechanics, service & maintenance personnel, and high school and college vo-tech teachers about the characteristics and benefits of alternative fuels with emphasis on propane autogas

* The training class will help city and county managers and planners understand how LPG vehicles and other types of AFVs will provide them important compliance options for their AB 32-required Climate Action Plans

* Converting vehicles from costly gasoline to cleaner burning propane autogas requires a highly skilled and qualified workforce, and reducing your business or agency carbon footprint will improve your "green" image - making knowledgeable administrators and technicians valuable employees

* Attendees of the FREE 3-day course will receive innovative instruction from industry professionals and hands-on training with a ROUSH CleanTech system

* Each class is open to only 30 students, so contact us today to reserve a seat

* Lunch will be provided on all 3 days!

* Class requirements: Must be 18 years of age or older, a high school graduate and have proof of US citizenship

Dates and Locations of FREE 3-Day Class
Nov. 7 - 9, 2011
TEECO Products
7471 Reese Road
Sacramento, CA 95828


Dec. 5 - 7, 2011
Transfer Flow, Inc.
1444 Fortress Street
Chico, CA 95973

Lunch will also be provided on all 3 days!

Register Today - Limited Seats Available!
Register now for this FREE 3-Day Course!
Call Warren Johnson at (530) 893-5209 ext. 12,

Additional Class Information
and Curriculum

Transfer Flow, Inc., in collaboration with Alliance for Workforce Development, Inc., NoRTEC, and California Employment Development Department, has launched Northern California's first Alternative Fuel Training Program. The training is funded by the California Energy Commission's Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technologies Program (ARFVTP), with the intention of deploying alternative fuels such as propane autogas to decrease air and water pollutants, while reducing the environmental impact of modern transportation. It also aims to sustain the state's natural resources thanks to the major cost savings associated with this readily available alternative fuel.

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