
The Renewable Gas Supply Issue

Renewable Gas Pump0

For several years there have been significant efforts to capture and divert fugitive renewable gases toward the transportation sector where, as a replacement for diesel in heavy duty vehicles, the fuel can do tremendous good. This is particularly true in California where many progressive policies have been passed to divert organic waste from traditional, unsustainable disposal methods and reduce emissions of climate-altering short lived climate pollutants.

However, some opponents of using renewable natural gas (RNG) as a transportation fuel question whether there is enough supply of renewable gas. The doubts that they raise about supply lead them to conclude that RNG is not an energy source that should be taken seriously.

Supply vs. Demand
Some claim that policy makers should not invest resources in developing the markets for renewable gas, particularly in the transportation sector, in part because the supply of renewable gas in the state will never match the demand, and will only be capable of replacing a small fraction of the fuel consumption that is currently fed by fossil gas. They point to recent studies that suggest the potential quantity of economically recoverable gas in California is no more than ten percent of the fuel demand in the transportation sector. 

Learn more at: https://www.act-news.com/news/renewable-gas-supply-issue/

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