Keeping track is a challenge, but keeping track is the fastest, best way to the goal. Another word for it could be accountability.
In 1974, I was a salesman for only a little over a year when I decided to keep track to help me stay on track by developing a daily planner that had spaces for how many phone calls I made, pieces in the mail, how many prospects I talked to in person, how many presentations, demonstrations, write-ups and how many sales I made each day. Each day the number of blank spaces determined the goal and at the end of the month, I tallied the score. The first month was pathetic. I thought I was doing okay, but I missed the mark so badly. I don't remember exactly, but I only hit about 10% of the goal I think. So, I resolved to improve. The next month was better, and the next better and so on.
The book also had a daily planner so I could mark down appointments or personal errands. On that page it had one of the best parts of this planner: a things to do list with a box to label the priority A, B or C and a box to check it off when done. I got a lot more done. I was being accountable to myself for achieving my own goals. It worked well. I never did get to 100%, but what impact do you suppose going from 10% to 50% would have?
The key for me was taking it out of my faulty memory of thinking I was doing well and setting daily goals instead. It isn't to beat myself up for not making it today, but just focusing on why I came to work today: to move forward, grow, make contacts, show value, close deals. It works for me by keeping track.
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