
International Durastar with Hybrid Electric Powered Platform Lifts Service Hillsborough County Street Dept.

Most of us dont't think much about traffic signals and signs these days, or until the signals don't work! When they are in need of installation, repair or removal, there will be a need to use work trucks. To be safe, operations such as this require trucks, cranes, bucket and platform lifts etc., as well plenty of flashing truck lights and traffic cones.
Here are a few pictures  Hillsborough County, FL crew working on traffic signs and signals. 

In the case of the this Hillsborough County, FL crew and fleet of three trucks, they are removing a “No Right on Red” sign and adding other warning signs. Sounds simple but the 1 pound small sign is about 14- 16 feet in the air. This is where the trucks come in:

Hillsborough County utilized an International Durastar with a Electric Hydraulic Versalift - Signalier ATR45 Platform  mounted on a Utility Style service body. This body has an extended bed to rest the bucket on during travel. The system is a Hybrid Electric providing battery power for lifting and manipulating the bucket. The operators say that the engine does not have to run to power the platform. This allows them to better hear traffic approaching without the truck engine drowning out the noise and potentially making for a safer operation.

The smaller F350 Ford extended cab chassis is mounted with a flatbed with top mounted tool boxes and a Honda motor-generator.  The body is extended with a low platform off the rear, allowing for placement and retrieval of traffic cones.

Guest post by Steve Taylor: Steve is a consultant in lean six sigma process improvement and specializes in fleets and manufacturers in the work truck industry. He may be contacted at steve@truckarchitect.com and his website is: http://www.upstreamsource.com

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