
A Truly Beautiful Dealership Design

This is one of the most beautiful dealerships I have ever seen. The design just takes my breath away. Everywhere I look, I see something so interesting, from the many levels, beautiful landscaping, to the awesome service drive, to the spectacular sales training room. The interior is as interesting as the exterior. Notice the high ceilings with skylights and standard height walls with displays on top creating such a visual delight whatever direction you might look.

This dealership is Wittmeier Ford and Wittmeier Honda in Chico, CA and separated by a driveway is Wittmeier Chevrolet. It is the Ford store that I relish each time I have visited over a period of many years. I have never even for a moment taken this design for granted. I just love to look around and take it all in with appreciation for the care and interest Ed Wittmeier had in putting this dealership together. It is spectacular to me. I hope you enjoy the slide show!

Check out their website at www.wittmeier.com.

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