
Don't Get Paid To Sell Service? Think Again!

In all my years (over 25) in the car business, sales and service were at odds. How stupid is that? It's really stupid.

I've been promoting the commercial truck department to sell the service and parts department. I hear, "I don't get a commission on service and parts, I get commissions on truck sales." Ah, this is true; however, it is a very short sighted view of the larger picture because the selling of the service and parts department will bring you truck sales in quantity and quality.

Some want the service and parts guys to go out there and do this, or for them to go along with you. You need to get excited about service and promote it everywhere you go. Get a serious partnership going with your service manager and parts manager. It makes a great and profitable partnership.

Selling service and parts is one of the best ways to gain new clients. It is also one of the best ways to keep old clients. Everyone needs service, they don't need it from you, but they need it. They need a new vehicle much less often, but service is a short term need. The better your store can provide it in speed, accuracy, convenience, follow up and price, the better you can grow your truck sales through new clients coming in for service. This gives you many opportunities for seeing their trucks, knowing the mileage on them, the condition, service records of repairs and so on. All of this information will aid you in your sales of trucks to that company. Heck, its a goldmine don't you know! I get excited about promoting service and parts because I see where that can lead my sales.

Once they come in for service, you need to start keeping track of their visits, look over their vehicles, talk to the service advisor and get to know the company's service patterns and how they care for their vehicles. These things will help you know when the timing is right for another truck or a replacement truck. You couldn't get all this information from any other method that I can think of, so it really is a goldmine.

When you are thinking about growing your sales or your department sales think about the larger picture and think long term. Sure, you need sales today, but you also need them tomorrow and next month and six months from now. Work all the angles: prospecting, advertising, merchandising, service and parts partnership, referrals, events, displays, promotions. Don't leave any of them out and you have a synergistic combination of powerful features to lead you to long term success.

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