In the last ten years, I've sold some dealers some different pieces that turned out to sell in a reasonable period of time and generated better grosses than normal. After that happens, the logic would be to repeat that success, but many have not. I'm writing this today to suggest to you that repeating any of your successes is a good thing and you really can get lucky again and again. A couple of stories will help illustrate this.
First, I sold a dealer two 8' service bodies with 3-piece cargo bed enclosures. We installed them on the low profile service body instead of the standard height. When they arrived at the dealership, the manager called yelling at me that these things were mis-built and were pretty much unsaleable. I will admit it is a bit unusual, but that doesn't make them unsaleable. They sold in two weeks at very good grosses. They were not replaced, so that huge success could not be repeated.
Next, I sold Red F450 with XLT package and Alcoa wheels with a service body mounted on it. To me, this is one of the easiest sales in the world. It sold within a month (small dealership not on the freeway) at a $4k gross. They didn't replace it, so no possibility of repeating that success.
I sold another dealership a black Super Cab single rear wheel Ford with XLT package and all the toys along with a beautiful service body. It sold in less than two months at a $5500 gross. They did not replace it, so no possibility of repeating that success.
That's three true stories, but I have a lot more of them. There should be nothing easier that duplicating a success even if it was originally outside your comfort zone. Success breeds success. There is no such thing as normal in the truck world. When you find something that works, duplicate it and get lucky again!
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