- Make a list of all your customers and sort it by what they do. For example, you might have a list of customers who are plumbers and electrical contractors and such. As you have need of these services, this is the list to consult. Now take it to the next level and have the list printed out for your prospects and customers. Hand it out to your friends as well. Start referring business to them every chance you get. Become a promoter.
- Put together a nice HTML newsletter through Constant Contact, or other such client. Highlight your customers in each issue with photos, testimonials, etc. This is very easy to do and is very powerful.
- When you run across an idea that you think is great for one of your clients, give them a call or drop them a note telling them about it.
- Next time one of your customers needs an upfitted truck, see if they can plan the need a month or two ahead and offer to have it built and get them some free signs and let you display the truck with their name and logo on it for a few weeks. Great advertisement for both of you, and you are encouraging them to plan ahead.
- Introduce your clients to each other and spread your lists so that everyone is helping each other any time they can.
- If a customer must downsize and sell off a truck or two, help them get the best numbers for that as possible to help lighten their load. They will remember your help. Everyone needs a helping hand from time to time.
Go out of your way to help promote your customers and their business. It will serve you very well.
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