
E-350 Cutaway with 10' Harbor WorkMaster Plumber Body

Kent of Ford Fairfield is showing off a great work truck. This 10' Harbor WorkMaster plumber style body is on a single rear wheel E350 Cutaway chassis. This great chassis allows for a longer body than on a conventional cab, plus it is lower to the ground, shorter in overall length, and essentially no wider than a standard cargo van. All of these features and more contribute to making this vehicle easy to maneuver in tight city streets.

This body also comes in a low roof version for those who need to get in and out of parking garages, but the high roof has such great benefit because you can stand up inside rather than being hunched over. That sure makes getting in and out of the back or working inside a breeze.

To learn more, go to http://www.FairfieldWorkTrucks.com, or call Kent Fry at 707-337-2921.

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