
Rugby Manufacturing Introduces HD Rancher

Rugby Manufacturing (Rugby, North Dakota) introduced an all-new Rugby HD Rancher Body, ideal for heavier duty construction and landscape applications, as well as oil field operations. Designed for maximum durability, the HD Rancher offers several enhanced features including an upgraded 3/16-inch tread plate floor, 7 gauge formed cross-members with 12-inch spacing, 12-gauge bulkhead sheet and a 3/8-inch tie down rail.

The HD Rancher is also available with a B&W Turnoverball™ Gooseneck Hitch that allows a flat surface with no cutouts in the floor.  Five models of the new HD Rancher are available ranging in length from 9 feet 3 inches to 12 feet.

For more information, visit www.rugbymfg.com.

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