
Nice 10' Contractor Body from North Bay Truck Body

Here's a great 10' Contractor Body with some twists. First it has tall boxes with vertical doors and shelving as the top box mounted next to the headboard on both sides. This is a great box that will carry a lot of stuff in varying sizes. Next, it is mounted to a square standard headboard instead of the typical tapered headboard and this is due to the tall box. Then, we have some bling going on with the shiny diamond treadplate fastened to the side and back of the top boxes.

Behind the boxes are the specially painted gates. The posts and wood gates are painted white to match the flatbed. Notice the nice receiver buildup and the wide enough bumper to step up on to grab something on the bed. Looks great too. The forklift loadable rack is body width so you can carry some wide items up there easily. Then see the underbed boxes mounted slightly under the bed to make full use of every one of those great tie-downs. The expanded metal headboard allows easy visibility of the bed area from the cab.

What's really great about this body is it has so much bed area to make use of. Because the upper bed boxes are taller, they take up less bed area, yet at the same time, hold more cargo. What a great combination!

All this quality from North Bay Truck Body in Cordelia, CA and mounted on a great Ford F350 crew cab with 60" CA. Nice job North Bay.

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